Out Of School Hours Care in Mernda

The Y support busy Mernda families with high quality care before and after school hours.

Suitable for children between five and 12 years old, the programs are designed to support their learning and social development.

Your child will be able to take part in fun activities such as arts and crafts, singing and dancing, and sport and ball games. Plus, they'll make new friends along the way!

They provide a healthy and delicious breakfast to set your child up for the day ahead, as well as snacks after school.

Who: The Y (YMCA Victoria)

Where: Mernda Park Primary School


Before School Care - Monday to Friday 6:30am – 8:30am

After School Care -   Monday to Friday 3:15pm – 6:30pm

Cost: $28 - $41 per session (concessions available)

Find out more: https://childrensprograms.ymca.org.au/outside-school-hours-care/mernda-park-primary#school_holiday_program