About the Yan Yean Electorate
Yan Yean Electorate
The electorate of Yan Yean is a snapshot of Melbourne’s growing outer suburbs. From Wandong to Whittlesea, the rolling hills boast of a rich agricultural history. From Doreen to Donnybrook, young families are building their lives in thriving new communities.
The Yan Yean electorate contains Donnybrook, Doreen, Eden Park, Heathcote Junction, Humevale, Mernda, Plenty, Upper Plenty, Wallan East, Wandong, Whittlesea, Woodstock, Yan Yean, Yarrambat, and parts of Beveridge, Clonbinane, South Morang and Wollert.
Lauren Kathage understands the important balance between conserving this area’s proud history and rural charm, while providing vital services and resources for all residents. Lauren wants to ensure that, in one of the fastest growing electorates in the state, the infrastructure growing communities need continues to be delivered.
You can find out more about the electoral district of Yan Yean, including downloading detailed maps, at the VEC’s Electoral District Profile (link to below webpage)